I've just realized I adore a combination of black and blue! It's great for autumn. But I would have frozen if not a blue Columbia sweater underneath, pulled over the white shirt. Plus Uggs i've just bought in Moscow and my favourite scarf.
I've just realized I adore a combination of black and blue! It's great for autumn. But I would have frozen if not a blue Columbia sweater underneath, pulled over the white shirt. Plus Uggs i've just bought in Moscow and my favourite scarf.
Fall can supress your mood lower than you think. Grey colors, black leather and a gloomy glance, that is all left for me. I'm starting a new life in a new image. Some punk, dirty little goddess. We'll see what will come out of it.
And now, as for the look, nothing special except for the Lord & Taylor cashmere scarf. It is the only thing that still keeps me warm. And of course, the waterfroof Lacoste boots. Nowhere in Russia without them.
What to do in the frozy morning? Tear your college scripts aprt and throw them into the trashcan! Certainly, I'm kidding. But still, what really to do? It was 4 C above zero. The best choice in this situation is to pull on your forgotten sweater and go take photos with friends. Half a year ago I was thinking about giving this sweater to charity but now I understood I would use it myself. Crisis, you know)
Still this sweater is from Benetton children's department! I wore it years ago and it is still so useful. Moreover, the skarf was knitted by my mother. I surely continue to survive in the state of crisis by exploring my waredrobe and finding things of years' of standing.