Thursday, October 28, 2010
NEW BLOG! Dress Like Yuliya .COM

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Rings and Stripes
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Princeton Lawn Party Fashion vol. 4
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Princeton lawn parties fashion
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Back in leopard boots

Dear readers,
I'm finally back from my unplanned holiday. I am at the Princeton University now and I'm heading for a lawn party to take pictures of the most fashionable students.
As for this collage, I really want to buy some leopard boots, because they are the hottest trend this Fall. Going clockwise from the top: 1. Urban Outfitters boots, $68; 2. H&M boots, $40; 3. TopShop boots, $70.
And which ones do you like the most?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
At Princeton

Sorry, guys, for not been writing during the last days. I'm at Princeton University now, preparing for my studies. So I need to overcome a stress from changing the time zones and not having a US credit card yet. I'll get back to you soon with new stuff from the American University. Keep in touch.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
A Look of the Day
I have been featured on the main page of the Trendation website as "A Look of the Day" for the whole day today. This portal is the main fashion directory of the Spanish fashionistas. So thank you, my Spanish followers! If you are not my Trendation follower yet, now is the best time to do it.
Русский Язык
Сегодня я целый день украшаю главную страницу самого главного сайта о моде в Испании Trendation. Мой лук отмечен как "Лук дня", набравший большее количество голосов. Спасибо, мои испанские читатели. Если вы все еще не следите за моими фотографиями и новостями на Trendation, сейчас - самое время это сделать!
When I grow up, I wanna be a Soldier
Military looks are a trend this fall.
a jacket/Zara, a top/Vero Moda, leather shorts/Motivi, a bag/Esprit, a bracelet/Marmalato, sandals/Guess
Военный стиль в моде этой осенью.
куртка/Zara, кофта/Vero Moda, кожаные шорты/Motivi, сумка/Esprit, металлический браслет/Marmalato, сандалии/Guess
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
GAP Fall 2010 Lookbook
Bloggers' fashion weeks
Bloggers conquered Stockholm and Copenhagen fashion weeks this August. Besides the fashion shows themselves, these online fashionistas inspired the whole world for a year ahead. Pale colors, leather and knitwear are the total must-haves of the season considering the looks the bloggers had.
Русский Язык
Блоггеры захватили неделю моды в Стокгольме и Копенгагене. Помимо самих модных показов, теперь всех людей земли вдохновляют и эти интернет-модники. Неяркие цвета, кожа и трикотаж - вот главные тенденции нового сезона, если судить по тому, что блоггеры надели на прошедших модных показах в Скандинавии.

Used sourses: stylescrapbook.com, spotding.com, fashiontoast.com, facehunter.blogspot.com, carolinesmode.com